Desktop Ticker

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Automatically Start Desktop Ticker (Windows XP, Vista & 7)

To make Desktop Ticker start automatically, follow these steps.

1 - Copy the Desktop Ticker shortcut

Right click on the Desktop Ticker icon and select Copy.

Copy Shortcut

2 - Open the Startup folder

Open the Start menu. Click "All Programs", then right click on the Startup item and select Open.

Open Startup Folder

3 - Paste the shortcut to the Startup folder

Right click on the contents pane and select Paste.

Paste Shortcut

The Desktop Ticker icon should now appear in the Startup folder, and the application will now run automatically after you log in.

To Stop Desktop Ticker Automatically Starting

Open the Start menu and click "All Programs". Click on the Startup item, then right click on the Desktop Ticker icon and select Delete.



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If you like Desktop Ticker please consider making a donation via PayPal or take a moment to leave a comment or review on a website.

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